Latest Windmill News
December 2024
Let there be light! We’ve finally got round to fixing the street lamps in the Windmill car park. It’s one of the many improvements that we have wanted to do for a while now. In fact, it’s probably been on our ‘to do’ list since I took over as chair seven years ago. There are several other improvement projects which haven’t yet progressed beyond the discussion phase. They come up regularly at our committee meetings, get discussed earnestly, get recorded in our minutes and then… It’s a bit like Groundhog Day, but not as funny. (And for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about, check out the reference and then watch the film: genius!) I’m not complaining though. It’s just the way things are. As a team of well-meaning volunteers, we do what we can with the time and money available. Er… I think I must be in this rather reflective mood as we are currently drafting the Windmill business plan and budget for 2025, which we present to the Parish Council every December for approval. I wonder how many things on our wish list we’ll be able to tick off next year?
One thing is for sure, we will continue to do our best to make the Windmill as good as it can be and we are grateful for all your help and support. On behalf of the management committee, I’d like to wish you all a very happy festive time and remind you to book your tickets for the legendary Deddington Players’ panto – one of the highlights on the Windmill calendar. This year it’s Rapunzel, a tale of love, bravery and long hair. Performances are on 16th, 17th and 18th January and tickets will be available online and can also be purchased from Polka Dots Hairdressers.
To find out what else is happening at the Windmill, or to book it for one of your own events, just visit our website www.thewindmilldeddington.org or our FaceBook page or call our bookings secretary Julie on 07720 834006.
Vaughan Jones